Friday, December 18, 2009

My Miko and Me...

This is my kitten, Miko (pronounced Me-koh).  She's not really a kitten anymore but I still call her 'Kitten'.  It's her nickname.  Just wanted to share that...

Also, for the first time, I twisted my hair after washing it and took it out.  I guess most people call it a 'Braid Out' (I mean, Twist Out).  I liked it and it definitely gave me more volume than I normally have.  My Hubby really liked it and so, if I'm not too lazy, I'll probably do this again.

Here are a few more pics.  Is it obvious I did something different?  Somehow, I don't think these pictures show the difference.  That's all folks!  Naturally yours...


V @ Locks-N-Motion said...

Where are the pics? Lol

And not to make you feel funny or anything but if you did twist your hair it's called a twist out. When you braid your hair/locks then take them out then it's called a braid out.

Glad you found a style you like.

Coco Pebb said...

Buttahfly - Thanks, girl! LOL I'm not completely up on all the hair lingo, but I'm gettin' there. It would make sense to call twists, a twist out...DUH!

I posted a couple more pics...Can you tell it's different? :)