I know this is one of the steps to locking but I really do find these tiny bundles of hair annoying. I have the constant urge to pluck them off or rub them out of existence. I have to control myself but, I must admit, it is a struggle. They're everywhere!
Even though I may complain throughout some of this locking process, I know that with each day, I am getting closer to that ultimate goal. SO, I refrain from even looking at the scissors, and I try to keep my hands out of my hair, for fear that I may pluck one of those little guys off.
My consultant told me to look at them like fruit...huh?
Well, she said that they are like fruit on a tree...when they're ripe, they will fall. If you pick them off, they may not be ripe and, in essence, my hair will not lock. So for now, it's Balls, Balls, and more Balls. (sigh)
Naturally yours...
They're cute!
Thanks, Bajan! I'm glad somebody thinks so! :-)
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