What am I talking about? Well, yesterday I went for my annual exam at the OBGYN. I was told that I have several small fibroids, which happen to effect
50% of all black women. Now, since I am in my 30s and my Mom also was diagnosed with this, I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. BUT, I was. You would think if you had something growing inside you, there would be some BLATANT external indication. (I mean, other than the hair loss :) )
I was a little upset but, the good thing is that now I know what is causing my severe Anemia. For months now, I have been at a loss for why I have it since I am a meat-eater and I take Multi-V's, I LOVE leafy greens...so what's the problem? That would be the Fibroids.
I probably would never have found out about the Anemia, except for the fact that I have been experiencing
gradual hair loss at the crown of my head. For quite awhile, I ignorantly thought that it would repair itself. Maybe stress or hormonal changes was the cause, and once those things were stabilized it would go back to normal. I finally decided to mention it to my GP (General Practitioner) and she said we needed to check my iron, as Anemia could be a cause for hair loss.
I said all of this to say that, although it is somewhat comforting to know the root cause of my hair loss problem, it has also proven to be somewhat disconcerting to find out about this new diagnosis.
I would love to hear from other women who have experienced problems with Fibroids, since it effects so many of US.
Check out this link form Essence magazine for more details:
Naturally yours...